Every homeowner needs insurance, but if you’re like most of us, you’ll want to know how to lower your home insurance premiums without sacrificing coverage. So it’s good to know that there are a number of things you can do to keep your home insurance premiums as low as possible, or even reduce them. What follows are four ways to lower your home insurance premiums.
What is Recommended to do in Order to Protect my Assets if I am Sued?
If you are being sued due to an auto accident or an accident that takes place in your home, then it is important to know what you need to protect your assets. By taking action to keep your personal...
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What do I Need to do if my Home Insurance Claim was Denied?
When you file a homeowners insurance claim, it is possible that the insurer will deny the claim for various reasons. Before you assume that your policy does not cover the damage due to the denial, ...
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My House is Paid Off - Do I still need Homeowners Insurance?
As a homeowner, you probably had to initially get your homeowners insurance policy as a requirement when you got your mortgage. This is because the lender had a lien on the home, meaning that the l...
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